Thursday, October 17, 2013

Some Things...

 Hello Wednesday!
First  This is how I found her before I went to sleep.  What?  Why?  How?  So many questions...

Me and my babies on St. Patrick's Day!

Sweet friends :)

With spring and summer vacations approaching, I am about to do a few posts on traveling.  If you have any travel/vacation questions, please comment with them today!  I will not be publishing these questions but saving them for future posts.  Your questions can be on where you should travel, what you should bring with you, questions about traveling with kids, whatever you want!  Just ask away and then stay tuned for my answers!

And for some Wednesday fun...
 I know some of you are super into your Origami Owl jewelry...because well, it's just awesome!  So, here is a little reminder that with Mother's Day, Graduations and Wedding Season coming up, now is the time to start looking!

My friend Jen told me that the first 3 people to email her and book a Jewelry Bar will receive a pair of their new earrings free!

Click here to check out all of their great stuff and find Jen's contact info.  I'm making me a Red Sox one this season :).

And one last thing, 10 years ago, my dad wrote a song for my wedding.  Among other things, my dad is a songwriter and when I started planning my wedding, I asked him to write a song for the occasion.  

Recently, he has put the song out on You Tube along with a video from Sean's wedding.  So many people have asked to have the lyrics and track for the song for their own weddings, that you can now download that fun stuff here.

And on the foodie blog today...I'm showing you how to create some really simple and yummy toppings for your morning oatmeal.  Your family will love you for it!  Click here.

Have a great day everyone!

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