Wednesday, October 23, 2013

#shayeveryday2014 Weeks 4 & 5 plus some answers to questions!

Because last week was so crazy, I didn't post my #shayeveryday2014 pics on the, you get a double-dose!  Plus, I'm also answering a few questions at the bottom of the post about the wedding.

Here we go...

Day 22: The life of a kid whose parents are building a house.  Lots of waiting at random places. We are all working on our patience...

Day 23: Sean and Catherine gave the kiddos these shirts to wear when they asked them to be in the wedding.  I thought their last day of school before leaving for California was the perfect opportunity to show them off!

Day 24: We're going to California!!

Day 25: Rehearsing for that crazy live TV wedding with my him.

Day 26: My little brother is married!!

Day 27: Just keepin' it real...after the crazy big wedding, we were up at 5:30...the shuttle bus departed our hotel 30 minutes late, we were stuck in LA traffic for 3 hours, I got motion sick and puked in a moving shuttle bus and we almost missed our flight.  Long day.

Day 28: That time I showed up at my friend's house to discuss the Bachelor wedding...and wore my bridesmaid dress :).

Day 29: Love these two crazy faces!

Day 30: Cuddles in the car before going into school.  We needed this cuddle time because Kensington had been crying all morning...about nothing.  Seriously...nothing.  At all.  Just crying.  Little girls.

Day 31: While Kensington was at a play date, Smith and I ran a few errands and stopped for pizza.  Loved this precious time with my boy!

Day 32: We ended our cold Saturday with (another) round of Frozen!
  Anyone else singing Let it Go constantly at their house?

Day 33: Smith was all geared up for the Super Bowl!  Oddly enough...I think the Broncos were in this same position just minutes before the game started.  And then during the game.

Day 34: What I need to survive a and chocolate.

Day 35: Happy Tuesday!  It was a cold and rainy one!

You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

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Find me on Instagram here.

I received so many sweet comments from my two wedding posts and several questions as well.  I don't have time to answer all of the questions but I thought (since this post had a lot of wedding in it) I could answer a few here...

1. What did you do during commercial breaks at the live wedding?
The two cellist played music during the commercial breaks and we all sat and listened just like at a "normal" wedding.  The entire service was very respectful.  We didn't get up and move around, no one had their makeup touched up and the director didn't come forward.  We all just sat quietly and listened until the service started again.

2. What does grown sexy mean?
I don't know?  Sophisticated, maybe?  Maybe I'm not hip enough to know that lingo!  Whatever it means, I think it translates into beautiful wedding...because that's what we got!

3. How were we treated by the Bachelor staff?
They were so nice (as always!)!  We really had a normal destination wedding experience.  Everyone was so friendly and helpful...perfect.

4. Why didn't I take more pictures of the bride and groom?
Because it was a normal wedding and I don't normally stalk the bride and groom for pictures.  I was having a great time enjoying our family and friends and they were having a great time making the rounds with their guests.  I know some of you wanted 100 pictures of them...but I was really focusing on enjoying my little brother's wedding and not so much on taking a million pictures of the two "celebrities".  I tried to take as many with them as I could without being that annoying sister who followed them around all night.

5. What did I think of the honeymoon talk?
I had one reader comment that she watched the wedding with her 3 teenage daughters and the honeymoon/suite cam stuff made her uncomfortable.  Here's the thing...married sex is awesome.  I highly recommend that married people have sex.  Yes, I think they focused too much on that aspect (them waiting until marriage to have sex) because there is so much more to their relationship than that one thing...but they did...and there isn't anything we can do about it.

I will be proud to show this to my kids and explain to them that Uncle Sean and Aunt Catherine went against the norm and waited to have sex until they were married.  I actually think it was the perfect opportunity for parents to explain waiting and abstinence to their tweens and teens.  That being said, there was a lot of footage that was filmed of them that didn't get aired and I'm bummed about that.  These two are way more interesting than just the sex stuff.

Again, thank you so much for all of the sweet emails and comments!  We just love you all!

On my foodie blog today...Strawberry Nutella Pies for Two...

...the perfect little dessert to make for your Valentine.


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