Sunday, October 20, 2013

#shayeveryday2014 Week 8

Thursdays are always my favorite day of the week.  Is that weird?  It's kind of like a mini-Friday.  I enjoy a Thursday.  Happy Thursday to YOU!

Day 50: After a morning out, we came home and had one of our indoor picnics while watching a movie together.  Next year, when Kensington is in kindergarten, I am going to really miss this.  And then the following year when Smith is in kinder, you will find me most days in the fetal position crying my eyes out.  I'll miss my babies!  ;)

Day 51: You might think these two boys could be trouble...but you know what?  They're really sweethearts!  I love having Nixon over to play (and his sweet little brother Bowen too!).

Day 52: Us on a Friday.  We get pretty wild :).

Day 53: My whole world sitting in Andrew's old truck getting ready to head out on a Saturday.  They're my whole world.

Day 54: I love being this girl's mama.

Day 55: A simple morning of puzzles and coloring.  I love seeing them stretched out over my floor being creative.

Day 56: I've lost all control.  Someone call for help.

You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

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You guys know that I am holiday obsessed...well, Andrea takes it to an entirely different level!  Check out her St. Patrick's Day kitchen decorations plus the cutest kids' table you will ever see!  I love, love, love her creativity!!

Don't forget...tomorrow is Pin-spired!!

And on the foodie blog today...the perfect winter supper.  Soup season is almost over!  You need to enjoy the final days :).

Happy Thursday!

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