Monday, October 21, 2013

#shayeveryday2014 Week 7

Hello!  Hello!

I hope you're all having a great week!  We've been coming off our chocolate heart candy high over here and enjoying the last few days of the Olympics.  Now that Valentine's Day is over, this cold weather lovin' gal is finally ready for some spring.  I'm already in the kitchen making some lighter spring fare for you guys to try this's going to be yummy!

On to my week...

Day 43: My brother's I Am Second video debuted!  We watched it several times that day :).

Day 44: We were dressed in red and ready to celebrate Valentine's Day parties at their school!

Day 45: I hosted a little Valentine's Day party for some of Kensington's sweet friends.

Day 46: Leopard scarves squared.  We just love leopard.  And scarves.  And each other.

It's this know, the one I love so much :).  Kensington's scarf is sold out from Gap.

Day 47: We pulled off a surprise party for Andrea's big 3-0!  It was so much fun!  I just love these girls so very much!

Day 48: Kensington lost her first tooth.  Such a big moment in our little family!  She was so proud.  Seriously proud. :)

Day 49: We channeled Shirley Temple on this day :).  Curly K.

You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

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Find me on Face Book here.
Find me on Pinterest here
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And on my foodie blog my favorite thing ever.  Seriously delish!

Butterscotch Whoopie Pies!

See you tomorrow :).

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