Monday, October 14, 2013

I'm on Vacation!

Happy Monday to YOU!  It's a fun Monday for the Shulls because we're off on vacation!  Don't you worry though...I will continue to post on this blog and my foodie blog every day while we're gone...and then when we get back...lots and lots of obnoxious vacation pictures :).

And...on this trip, I've decided not to post Instagram pics while we're way (gasp!).  I'm still going to take a #shayeveryday2014 pic every day to have for my year...I'm just going to wait and post them later.  This vacation is about spending time with my family, so I'm taking a much needed i-Phone break.

Need to know what to make for dinner this week while I'm out?  No worries!  Just click here to see my Meal Planning Monday!

And the winner of our Ain't Life Grand Giveaway is...

Amanda Bajin!

Congratulations Amanda!!  Check your email to claim your prize!

Have a great day!!

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