Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Healthier Irish-Inspired Favorites For St. Patrick's Day

My healthier versions of some Irish-American favorites to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!
My healthier versions of some Irish-American favorites to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

(Updated March 2014 with more options and better photos.)  Even if you don't have even the tiniest bit of Irish blood, you're still probably aware that next week is St. Patrick's Day.  I don't remember my mom ever cooking special food for this day, and since I've been a food blogger I've learned that many foods Americans cook for this holiday are not really Irish at all.  I am a little bit Irish, but even so I'm not claiming that my favorites in this post are authentic Irish recipes.  Still they're a fun way to celebrate the day, and most of these are lightened up a bit from the Irish-Americans foods that are often eaten on this day.  Enjoy!

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