Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Poppy Popsicle

I've mentioned this briefly but in July, after almost 7 years, we had to let our sweet Tulip go live with some family friends.  Andrew and I love, love, loved that dog.  She was our first baby and it was probably the hardest decision we've ever had to make in letting her go.  If you knew Tulip, then you know why we did it...she was the devil :).  Tulip is three pounds of feisty energy and absolutely hates all children.  She is a teacup Yorkie with an attitude of a pit bull.  She is loving life at her new home.  Her new family emails me often with pictures and antidotes.  They completely spoil her rotten and that's exactly what Tulip needs.  They also don't have any small kids...Tulip is in heaven. 

That being said...we've been lonely around the Shull house these last 11 months without a dog.  My kids have asked for one just about daily.  Andrew and I did thorough research on the right breed for us...we contacted several breeders...and on Sunday, we surprised the kids with our new family Poppy Popsicle...

Andrew (and my sweet dad) drove 8 hours to get this particular dog.  The kids were shocked.  Absolutely shocked when we said Daddy brought them home a surprise.

Poppy Popsicle getting to know Kensington.

It was love at first site.  These two have quickly become besties.


Me and Poppy.  Poppy is a Coton de Tulear (leave it to me to get a snooty French dog).

Look at that grin!

Kensington has done nothing this week but play with her new dog.

Sunday night, Kensington wanted Poppy to watch Bolt with her.  (It's a cartoon movie about a girl and her white dog, Bolt.)  They snuggled together for some movie time.

Poppy is right at home.

Some quick facts about kids both have British names...something that was very important to me.  I really, really wanted to name Kensington Poppy instead (because Poppy is totally British) but Andrew vetoed it.  So, I settled on naming our new dog that instead (plus we had Tulip, and my mom has Lily, so this is just another flower name as well).  The kids told us about 3 months ago that they wanted their new dog to be named Popsicle...I asked about Poppy Popsicle and they loved it.  She was named and loved before she came into our home.  Poppy will be about 12 pounds, she doesn't shed and she is suppose to be low energy...check, check, check for my dog criteria.  So far, she's been an absolute dream dog.  We love you Poppy!!


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