Friday, January 10, 2014

Episode 2 Tonight!

Woohoo!  Tonight is episode 2 of The Bachelorette!!  I'm excited, how about you?  If you want to know a little more about Sean, click here to see his bio video from the show.

On Saturday, Sean did what every reality TV personality does on the weekend...went furniture shopping with his big sister and her family :).  Not quite sure how we roped him into that (I'm pretty sure a certain 3 year old and 2 year old being there had something to do with it), but he went and we had lots of fun.  This is us :).

And here are some awesome pics of some loyal Team Sean followers.  These lovely ladies all work at Children's Medical Center in Dallas (an AWESOME hospital by the way!).  Every season, they put up all the guys (or girls) pics from the show and vote on their favorites.  They contacted me and said Sean had a big following and asked for some Team Sean bracelets.  This is Team Sean all wearing their pink bracelets.

What a fun group of girls!  How do I get a job working there?  I would fit right in!!

Have fun watching tonight!  We love Sean!


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