Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Disney World Day 3, Epcot

Day 3 took us to Epcot...I'm pretty sure this was every ones favorite day.  (Yes, we're those nerdy people that really get into the "countries" you visit as you walk around the water...have you read this blog before?  We're the travel kind!)

Epcot was just a short walk from our resort...which made it nice because we came back twice for dinner on other nights.

My sweet parents :).  They first took me to Disney World when I was four.  I still remember a lot about that trip.

Dad and Me

Mom and Me

Kensington and Marie the Cat

Kensington and her very favorite princess, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.  She was most excited about meeting her!!

Love my girl! 

My kids always nap in their strollers as we stroll along.  It's something they've been doing for a long time now.  Sweet Smith!

The girls in our sunglasses.  Lovie bought these glasses for K and she was IN LOVE!  She's still at home wearing them!

My nerdy adorable daughter wearing her glasses in the aquarium.  They flip up for when she's indoors.  She thought she was so cool!

We finished with dinner inside the aquarium.  So fun!  Again, we stayed until after the fireworks and light show...another BIG day at Disney World!

Click here for Day 4.

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