Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Disney World Day 6, The Pool

After 4 full days at the parks, we were desperately needing a day of nothing.  The Yacht Club Resort had amazing pools and a faux beach, so that was where we spent Day 6.

The pools opened at 10:00 and we showed up at 9:55...as you can see, my kids were eager for them to let us in.

Water!  Water!  Water!  She was so happy to be back in the water (it's been since August!).

Not exactly the best picture of Dad, Andrew and me but you can see some of the beach area and the main pool area.

Kensington slid approximately 4, 678 times.

Smith refused to slide on his bottom.  He slid on his tummy every single time.

Silly kids all cleaned up for dinner.  (He's still lovin' his spray bottle!).

We went back to Epcot and ate at...Mexico!  I'm sure the sombreros tipped you off a little bit :).

After a full day of swimming...this is what you look like.  This was 7 PM, we pushed her back to the room, put her on the bed, put her pjs on her and she never once woke up.  The next time she was conscious was 8 AM.  That's a tired girl!

Click here for Days 7 and 8.

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