Monday, January 13, 2014

The Ice Cream Truck

Last night, Andrew was letting the kids play with the water hose out front when they heard the greatest sound a kid can hear...the ice cream truck!

So excited!  The ice cream truck has never stopped by our house before!

We were being extra silly as we patiently waited for him to stop.

So many sugary choices!

Kensington picked a Tweety Bird and Smith a Bugs Bunny.

Such happy kiddos!

We hope the ice cream truck stops by every night!

And one more thing...yesterday, my mom came over to watch the kids all day.  Hmmm...what does your mom do when she babysits two toddlers for 10 hours?  Well my mom loads said toddlers into the car, drives them to Lowe's, buys several hundred dollars worth of shrubs, a tree and pretty plants and then plants them in my front yard while the kids played.  I know.  She's a rock star, right?  I came home at 5:00 last night and my yard looked amazing!  She had planted everything.  She totally rocks!  I was exhausted just thinking of the work she did.  Thanks Mom! Love you!


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