Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Disney World Day 1

Well, well, well, we just came home from 8 wonderful days in Disney World :).  We thought it was about time for our kids to have an actual "kid" vacation.  Of course, we invited Papa Jay and Lovie to come along for the fun (and many, many laughs).  We had such a great time!  In my opinion, 2 and 3 are the perfect ages to take your kids to Disney.  They were so excited and believed that every single character was authentic.  I will always remember the looks on their little faces as they met their favorite people (Mickey, Belle, Buzz Lightyear...I could go on and on.)  My favorite part...staying at Disney's Yacht Club Resort.  It had the perfect location, awesome rooms, and the pools were fabulous.  Get ready...this is Day 1...

So excited to get on the airplane!  Mama was so excited it was only a 2 1/2 hour flight!

Mama and Daughter rainbow colored Toms :)

We arrived!  About to board the Magical Express Bus to our resort.

The kids loved that the resort was on the water.

The girls

The boys

We went to Downtown Disney for the evening.  Kensington had just a taste of Disney on Day 1 and was lovin' it!

Click here for Day 2.

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