Thursday, January 9, 2014

Meet Emmy

For months and months and months, we've told Kensington that if she was good at the wedding (cooperated for pictures, walked down the aisle, smiled, etc.), we would buy her an American Girl Doll as her reward.  She's talked about it non-stop.  We received a catalog in the mail and she has memorized it.  This girl was determined to get her doll.  Well, the big day came and she was perfect, so the next evening, we headed into Dallas to visit the American Girl Doll store.  Let me just say...I am so thankful I only have one daughter.  Geez...that store could get a mom in trouble!
Daddy and Kensington about to walk in.

So happy with their rewards!!  (Yes, since Smith was a fabulous ring bearer, he was promised a toy from the toy store, however, he found a stuffed dog at the American Girl doll store and was smitten.  One stop shopping for the Shulls!)

Smith and Chocolate Chip :)

Kensington and her Bitty Baby, Emmy.  Bitty Babies don't come with names, so when I asked her what she wanted us to call her, she immediately said Emmy.  They're in love.

Of course, I had to buy them matching pjs.  Aren't they cute?!

Me, my girl and her Emmy.


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