Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kalyn's Kitchen Picks: Three Crabs Fish Sauce

Three Crabs Fish Sauce
Thanks to my friend Lydia for introducing me to this premium brand of fish sauce! 

I'm not an expert on Asian ingredients, so years ago when I ran across a post touting Three Crabs Fish Sauce on a blog called The Perfect Pantry, I was more than happy to listen to Lydia's fish sauce recommendations.  Shortly after that my step-sister Karyn asked me what I wanted from San Francisco and I requested a bottle of Three Crabs Fish Sauce.  Then I discovered I could buy it at several Asian markets in Salt Lake,  and now it's the only brand of fish sauce I buy.  The fun side note to this fish sauce success story is that I also became good friends with Lydia from The Perfect Pantry and now we e-mail often to discuss all things blogging.

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