Monday, January 6, 2014

Fun on the Fourth!

You know my super fun family...we love any reason to celebrate (and eat!)!  Yesterday, we headed over to Lovie and Papa Jay's for our annual Fourth of July party with the fam.

Lovie bought Smith a water gun...this is his "I'm going to get you" face.

My little swimmer!  She swims like a fish!  I'm so proud of my sweet girl!

Me and Brooke relaxin'

The guys lounging about in the pool (after this we had our annual water volleyball tournament...I would post pictures of the winners but since I wasn't one, I'm not...I am a sore loser!).

Papaw and a very wet Poppy Popsicle

Our sweet P!  Miss Paisley!

Me and Smith

Me and my little bro.

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

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