Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Nap Mat

Smith is sooooooo excited about starting preschool in the fall.  He asks me almost daily if it's "fall-time" yet?  Yesterday, we went and picked up his very own nap mat.  This kid was so excited!!  I told him we were running a few errands and that the nap mat was last on our list.  He must have asked me a dozen times if it was time to go get it.  Sweet boy wanted his nap mat!

We barely got in the door yesterday before he opened his up right in the hallway.  Kensington ran to her room to get hers too.

Napping in the hallway :)

He feels so big!

She was having fun too!

Later, I found him watching Mickey Mouse with his nap mat in the play room.  He also put it in his bed while he napped.  If you know Smith, you know that this kid loooooooooves his naps (he takes a 4 hour nap every day...yes, 4 hours!), so it's no surprise to me that his favorite part of getting ready for school is the nap mat.

My heart is in the same place as Smith' it fall time yet?

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