Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thank you Andrea :)

Don't you just looooooove my new blog design?!?!  I do!!  My sweet, sweet friend (let's face of my very closest friends) Andrea at Slightly Askew Designs created it for me.

Here's the thing about me and Andrea...Andrea secretly works for me as my creative force/technical assistant/master of design and logos...she just doesn't know it.  She thinks she's a junior high math teacher but the 65 times I call her a day prove otherwise.  One of these days, she's going to have a desk right here in my office next to mine...I'll break her...just give me time.

Andrea doesn't just do blog designs, she also does cards, announcements, party decor...the list goes on and on and on.  Contact her for your next creative thing...she'll do an amazing job...oh wait, don't call.  If you call her then she'll start working on your stuff instead of mine...that might not be good for me.  Never mind, Andrea isn't good at all.  She's the worst ;).

Love you Andrea McAnally!!

And every great brand deserves a fantastic logo...Mix and Match has her's...

Again, thank you Andrea!

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