Sunday, January 5, 2014


I have been thinking about what I was going to write the morning after you didn't receive a rose from Emily for some time now.  I've thought about writing my opinion on why she didn't pick you, I thought about writing a letter to Emily about how she was wrong ;), I've thought about a lot of things.  But last night, after the show was over and my Facebook and Twitter blew up with people (most of whom I don't even know) telling me how awesome you are, and how proud they are of you, I thought I'd just keep this little post simple...

Sean Thomas are such an awesome man of God.  I've always known that you carry yourself in such a respectful way...that you're kind and generous...that you have a huge heart and love unconditionally...but to see it played out on national see you keep your morals and your integrity when it would have been easy not to, is why I'm so proud of you this morning.  I know you loved Emily with your whole heart.  I know you meant everything you said to her and that you would have made the best husband to her and father to Ricki.  I know this.  I also know that God has different plans for your future.  I know that your wife is still out there...I know that when you meet her, you will know she's the one.

You made your entire family proud.  From your 2 year old nephew to your 87 year old Southern Baptist preaching made us all proud.  We love you and we look forward to the many new adventures in your future.  "God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess in your wildest dreams" -Ephesians 3:20.

Love you,

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