Saturday, January 4, 2014

Missouri Summer

On Thursday morning, we loaded up and drove to Missouri to visit the other Shulls.  We drove 6 hours north and ended up in a place 10 degrees warmer...that's bad luck for me!

The kids were really difficult on the car trip up...

...they are such problems...

...all 3 of them ;).

Everyone was so happy to see Nanny and PawPaw!  I took 3 pictures here...I decided to post the one that was most flattering of my MIL and not necessarily my kids.  That's love right there.

On Friday, we ate lunch and shopped at my favorite Missouri store, Sandstone Gardens.  Smith was in the middle of a "cheese" here...just ignore him and focus on the cute girls in the background.

Love my boys!

On Friday night, we ate dinner with Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Gretchen, Brode and Sylvia.  The two big kids piled into Nanny's lap.

And Smith cried because Nanny didn't have any room left in her lap.
Silly kid!

After dinner, we headed back to Jon and G's house to play.  I love my sweet niece Sylvia!

These two crack me up!  I love that Smith has a cousin so close in age.

This is what they did all evening...ran around Jon and G's backyard.

We had the best mini-vacation.  Thank you guys so much!

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