Monday, January 6, 2014


At first, this post was going to be about how I needed some inspiration in life, so I ordered these things...
My signature Fall scent, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin from Bath and Body Works, a new Gooseberry Patch cookbook about Autumn and an Apple Strudel candle.  It's like 104 outside right now and I'm gearing up for the Fall in Mix and Match Mama world, so I need to be inspired by my favorite things.

Just looking at my bounty makes me cooler.

After I snapped these photos, I decided to give you a peak into my world.  I'm a mom of two little kids, I help my husband with his insurance business, I write a food blog, and I now own my very own travel agency...more on that to come...I'm in full swing though.  My world also involves my awesome girlfriends, going to the pool almost daily, watching every Red Sox game on TV,  my brother being on the Bachelorette and a new puppy.  I start my day at 4:50 and don't stop.  I love my life.  I feel extremely blessed.

I keep a picture of Smith on my desk, a picture of me and my dad at Fenway Park and a picture of me and my late grandfather (you'll notice the paper covering our photo...see below).  I am always inspired by these awesome men when I work.

The paper is a copy of my Grandfather's obituary that he wrote shortly before he died.  I value this paper so much.  It's in his handwriting and he addresses his wife (my grandmother), his son, his daughter (my mom) and his 4 grandkids specifically.  I was his oldest grandchild and definitely his favorite...Sean, Brandon and Brooke, don't comment.  I won't publish your rebuttals :).  He saved my part for the very end.  I read it every day (usually more than once).  Love him.  Miss him.

I also keep my Red Sox coaster on my desk and twice a day, it is covered up by a steaming cup of coffee.  A gal can't work without her coffee!

These are just 4 of my cookbooks on my desk...I love reading cookbooks.  Currently I have 11 cookbooks on my desk and 4 travel books.  Food and travel...there's nothing better than that.

That's me.

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