Wednesday, January 1, 2014

i-Phone Life without Andrew

Andrew was out of town a large part of the week, so it was just me and these too...
A boy, a butterfly and a couple of popsicles.

Speaking of popsicles...Kensington wanted to pose with our Poppy Popsicle before heading out for the day.

That night, we had a picnic in the family room.

Dinner is just so much fun when eaten off a beach towel picnic blanket.

My girl is pony obsessed!

My boy doesn't get the pony obsession.

Lovie took the kids for cupcakes one day...he seems happy, right?!

I took them to Chick-fil-a for a little fun time.

Nothing beats the free ice cream at Chick-fil-a!

Examining his spoon?  Who knows?!

Then last night, Daddy was back home and we went out for ice cream after Meet the Teacher Night.  I just crack up when I see Kensington's face in this picture. 
Have a great Labor Day weekend!!

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