Saturday, January 4, 2014


Last night, we all wore our pjs and watched the 3 hour finale of the Bachelorette.  I felt like it was a looooooong 3 hours.  We've come a long way since May 14th.  I thought it was going to be fun having my brother on this show but I didn't know it was going to be this fun.  I really wanted my brother to make it to the top 8 (I knew at 8 he would have been able to travel a little bit and most likely have a one on one date)...but to make it to be absolutely adored by everyone...made this whole experience so special.  These sweet gals in their pjs were there with me the whole time.  We laughed, we cried (ok...Amber cried), and we ate a lot together.  I love you ladies so much.  Thank you for making this experience so sweet.

And as for Emily and Jef...I wish them the very best.  They seem extremely happy together and in love.  God bless them and their life together.

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