Wednesday, January 15, 2014

CrockPot Garlic Baked Potatoes

Day 136.

Happy Slow Cooking Thursday! 

These potatoes are so easy, and are so wonderful. All it is is a big baked potato with garlic shoved in it. They are a snap to make, and if you can find fresh garlic already peeled in a bag, all the better.

The Ingredients.

--4 big brown potatoes
--2 tablespoons melted butter
--2 tablespoons olive oil
--salt and pepper
--8 or so garlic cloves

The Directions.

Peel the garlic and cut it into long slivers.

Wash your potatoes, and pat dry. Carefully cut slits into each potato about 1/2 inch thick almost do the very base. The potato should start to separate a bit like an accordion.

Shove as many garlic slices as you can in each slit of each potato.

Nestle the potatoes into your crockpot. I used an oval 6qt Smart Pot, and the potatoes didn't fit all the way down to the bottom, they kind of were halfway on each other. It doesn't seem to matter.

Liberally salt and pepper. Combine the melted butter with the olive oil and drizzle over the top of each potato, trying to get some in the garlic-filled slits, if you can.

Cover and cook on high for 2-4 hours or on low for about 6. They are done when the potatoes reach desired tenderness.

Top with sour cream.

The Verdict.

This is a beautiful side dish to any meat dish, or a wonderful lunch all on it's own. The potatoes were not too wet or slimy as I feared, and the garlic roasted perfectly in the slits.

The kids ate the sour cream off of theirs, and maybe tried the potato. I wasn't watching them too carefully.

All in all, I would definitely make these again.

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Recipe for Sauteed Chicken Cutlets with Sage and Capers

These Sauteed Chicken Cutlets with Sage and Capers are easy for a work-night dinner.

(Updated with improved and step-by-step photos, March 2012.)  I first posted this recipe for Sauteed Chicken Cutlets with Save and Capers back in 2005, when I made it for a quick after-work dinner after a busy day teaching school.  I'd had it on my list of recipes needing updated photos for quite a while, so when I recently found myself with two chicken breasts thawed in the fridge and thinking about something for dinner, it was a win/win decision to cook it again.  I made this when it was nearly dark outside, so I used my Lowel Ego Lights to take the photos, and although I prefer natural light, I'm happy with the new photos compared to what I took in 2005 with the little point and shoot camera I had then.  Best of all, I liked the chicken as much as I did the first time, and this was a great dinner.

Click to continue reading

CrockPot Mahi Mahi With Asparagus, Broccoli, and Spinach

Day 139.

It's been hot here. It's been hotter, but we are definitely having a mini heat-wave. The heat doesn't bother me too awful much at home, but it does when I'm out in the car or running errands.

Adam also just signed us up to run a half-marathon this summer. Which means I've got to go back to eating mostly light and lean foods for the next eight weeks or so.

Except for the days off.

Because I'm totally planning for those!

I had a long run planned last week, and I knew it was going to be hot. When it's hot, I'm not interested in eating too awful much, but knew I needed some protein.

After digging through the freezer, I found a neglected package of frozen mahi mahi with some sort of lemon-pepper marinade.

I had it for lunch with a bunch of fresh veggies; it hit the spot, it didn't heat or stink up the house, and I had enough good-for-me-food floating around inside to go for a proper run.

The Ingredients.
--16 of mahi mahi or other favorite fish
--> ours was seasoned already. If you have unflavored fish, rub with some olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice, chili flakes, or other seasoning blend that you really enjoy.

--fresh somewhat-soft vegetables. I use broccoli, asparagus, and spinach.

--a touch of water, or lemon juice (about 2T)

The Directions.

Wash all your veggies, and put damp into the crockpot. Top with your fish. I squeezed the marinade out of the fish, because it seemed awfully oily.

I added 2T of water to the crockpot and cooked on LOW for approximately 2-3 hours. Mahi Mahi is pretty thick; if you are using thinner fish (such as tilapia) check after 90 minutes.

The Verdict.

I was very happy that I made this and ate it for lunch. I sort of forget about lunch a lot, and grab whatever is lying around, or pick at leftovers. I've also noticed the kids are more inclined to try new foods in the middle of the day, before the 4 o'clock crankies hit. My three-year-old ate this with me, and my six-year-old had it as an after school snack. The stars must have been in proper alignment or something, because there wasn't any fuss about having fish and vegetables as a snack.
I don't expect a repeat of that performance any time soon, but I am happy that it occurred!

Disney World Day 1

Well, well, well, we just came home from 8 wonderful days in Disney World :).  We thought it was about time for our kids to have an actual "kid" vacation.  Of course, we invited Papa Jay and Lovie to come along for the fun (and many, many laughs).  We had such a great time!  In my opinion, 2 and 3 are the perfect ages to take your kids to Disney.  They were so excited and believed that every single character was authentic.  I will always remember the looks on their little faces as they met their favorite people (Mickey, Belle, Buzz Lightyear...I could go on and on.)  My favorite part...staying at Disney's Yacht Club Resort.  It had the perfect location, awesome rooms, and the pools were fabulous.  Get ready...this is Day 1...

So excited to get on the airplane!  Mama was so excited it was only a 2 1/2 hour flight!

Mama and Daughter rainbow colored Toms :)

We arrived!  About to board the Magical Express Bus to our resort.

The kids loved that the resort was on the water.

The girls

The boys

We went to Downtown Disney for the evening.  Kensington had just a taste of Disney on Day 1 and was lovin' it!

Click here for Day 2.

CrockPot Apple Dumpling Recipe

Day 137.

Holy toledo, these puppies are yummy. I found the recipe eons ago on the Pioneer Woman Cooks website, and bookmarked them for some reason in my gluten-free folder. I have no idea why, except for maybe at the time I wanted to try and attempt them gluten-free.

I then promptly forgot all about trying to tweak the recipe.

It's been a hundred million degrees here the last few days, and sweating buckets makes me feel like a-little-something sweet. So I dug through the cubbards and fridge and found a way to make them. Gluten free. In the crockpot.

And they rock.

The Ingredients.
--2 cans refrigerated crescent rolls.

* Unless you are gluten free. If you are gluten free, use this recipe. I followed it to the letter except that I doubled it, used Pamela's, and used sour cream instead of cottage cheese. It is a delicious, moist, yummy dough that is perfect for so many things; I am positively giddy to have found it! (psst. chill your dough for at least 2 hours!) *

--2 granny smith apples
--1 stick of butter
--1 cup white sugar
--1 t vanilla
--1 t cinnamon
--1 cup Mountain Dew

The Directions.

Spray your crock insert with cooking spray.

If you are using the crescent rolls, roll out the little triangles and fill each one with an apple slice or two and roll it up.

If you are using the GF dough, do the same thing, but realize that it will be a bit lumpy and not quite as thin. It's okay. This dough recipe is beyond fantastic. Seriously.

Pile the crockpot high with all of your little dumpling guys.

Melt the stick of butter in the microwave, and stir in the cup of sugar, and the cinnamon and vanilla. Pour over the dumplings, making sure to get down in the nooks and crannies.

Then add 1 cup of Mountain Dew, the same way---pour it over the top. It will make a delightful bubbly sound!

Prop lid open with a wooden spoon or chopstick and cook on high for 4-5 hours, or until the dough is brown and cooked through.

The Verdict.

Delicious, moist, and gooey. They were very, very sweet. The kids (those nutty kids) couldn't eat their whole serving because of how sweet they were.

Adam and I didn't seem to have that problem.

I liked them even better the next morning cold.

Have I mentioned how beyond stoked I am to have this basic gluten-free dough recipe that I can fool around with? I'm thinking overnight pull-apart rolls, cinnamon buns, crescent rolls for Thanksgiving...

eek! I'm so excited!

OH! and I haven't had Mountain Dew in years. I couldn't waste the bottle, so I finished it. LOL, I was instant-messaging with Laura and was so hopped up on caffeine and sugar I could hardly type.

Waiting for the rain

Last night after dinner, I looked out the back door and saw this.  My three sweeties sittin' together, waiting for the rain to come in.  Love these three so much. 


8 years

Back on March 13, Andrew and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary :).  We're not really ones to get all mushy about anniversaries and such and we're usually quite happy with dinner at home with the kiddos to celebrate, but this year, Andrew wanted to really celebrate...and I'm so glad he did!  He got us a babysitter (the best ever...Lovie!) and made us dinner reservations in Dallas at our favorite restaurant.  Then while we were at dinner, the waiter brought me over a fabulous anniversary present as a surprise.  I'm so blessed to have spent these last 8 years with Andrew Shull.  I hope we're as blessed as my grandparents who have been married almost 66 years and counting!

For grins, I thought I'd share with you a picture of how it all got started...

This is Andrew and I on our first date.  Didn't you date with both sets of your parents, your younger brother and both sets of your grandparents?  Well, we did!  We had met once before but we actually went out to dinner to get to know each other after the first K-State football game of the season...unfortunately, we had to bring along everyone else!  Here we are, getting to know each other at Applebees.  I remember Andrew thinking it was funny that I ordered dessert for dinner...he learned quickly that the way to my heart was through sugar :).  A year and a half later, we were married.  Happy Anniversary baby!
